WASHINGTON, DC – This week, Western Pennsylvanian Yinzers Congressman Chris Deluzio (PA-17, Aspinwall) and Senator John Fetterman (PA, Braddock) punctuated their week of votes down in Washington, D.C. by meeting up, pumping some Iron City beers, and proclaiming their Western PA pride for all to see.

“Repping Western PA down here in D.C. is a huge honor,” said Rep. Deluzio. “I’ve been welcoming folks to my Capitol Hill office for a while now with a Yinzer sign on the door, and I kept thinking: John needs one of these signs in the Senate. He’s one of the biggest Yinzers I know. So, I paid him a visit, cracked open an Iron City, and got him a Yinzer sign of his own.”

“It was an honor to host Chris in my office, receive some new décor, and crack open a couple beers,” said Sen. Fetterman. “I ran for this seat to fight for communities like mine in western Pennsylvania that are too often left behind by Washington. I’m proud to be here in D.C. doing just that, and I know Chris is too. I can’t wait to hang with Chris in his office and bring him and his team some more western PA staples.”


Both Freshman members, the two share more than a love of a good cold one. Congressman Deluzio and Senator Fetterman – in suit and shorts respectively – are also fighting on Capitol Hill to make more stuff in America; stand up for the union way of life; defend reproductive freedoms and veterans’ services; fight corporate jagoffs, and much more.

Photos of the two Yinzers are available here.