About the Senate Page Program

The United States Senate Page Program introduces students from diverse backgrounds to many interesting and challenging experiences in the nation’s capital. Pages learn the value of public service, get the opportunity to meet some of America’s most prominent leaders and witness historic events first-hand. Page positions are highly competitive and there are a limited number of positions each cycle. Due to the rigorous nature of the Page Program, applicants should demonstrate maturity, personal responsibility, and time management skills.


Pages play an important role in the daily operation of the Senate. Their shared responsibilities consist primarily of delivering correspondence and legislative material within the Capitol and Senate office buildings, preparing the Chamber for Senate sessions, working on the Senate floor to aid during roll call votes, supporting senators and staff during debates, and carrying bills and amendments to the desk.

Compensation and Lodging

Senate Pages are paid an annualized salary of $35,360 per year. Fall and Spring Pages must be enrolled in the United States Senate Page School. The academic day schedule is 6:00 AM to 9:45 AM. During the Fall and Spring sessions, Pages are required to live in the Daniel Webster Senate Page Residence located 2 blocks from Capitol Hill. The cost of living in Webster Hall is $780 per month. Breakfast and dinner are provided for the Pages. The cost of rent and food is automatically deducted from the Page’s stipend. 

Pages selected for the Summer Page Program may live with their parents or a relative in the area; alternate housing arrangements must be submitted in writing by a parent or legal guardian for approval by the Page Program Director. 

Prospective pages must plan to pay for transportation to and from Washington D.C. at the start and end of the program. Please note: Pages do not earn the entire annual salary as they do not serve for a full year. 

Pages share rooms. Each room is designed for four to six occupants and is furnished with twin-size bunk or loft-style beds, desks, chairs, and bureaus. Each room has closet space, a private bath, and a telephone, which is shared by the Pages. Laundry facilities are provided within the building. 

Webster Hall staff includes four proctors, who reside within the building, and two day-time staff members. Additionally, United States Capitol Police maintain a 24-hour security desk and requires all individuals to present identification and all visitors and guests to sign in. Capitol Police patrol the area by car and foot regularly throughout the day and night. Webster Hall is monitored by a security alarm system, and all emergency and safety measures required by the District of Columbia for community life structures are present and enforced.


  • Pages must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or subject to agreements of the Department of State and must have a social security number. 
  • Summer Page eligibility is limited to students who have completed the sophomore year and who will be 16 or 17 years old on or before the date of appointment. 
  • Pages must verify a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0/B and a certification of immunization to qualify for school attendance. 
  • Pages must provide a general health assessment completed by a licensed physician and a certification of immunization. 
  • Pages are required to be covered by health insurance; if not covered, they will be required to enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. 
  • Applicants must be a current Pennsylvania resident.


Session dates

The Spring session runs from mid-January to mid-June, and the summer sessions are three to four weeks in length.

Session Application Due Date
Fall 2024
Not available through this office.
Spring 2025
October 1
Summer I & II 2025
February 1


Please communicate with your high school before completing your application. You should discuss how Page School academic credits would transfer back to your school, should you be offered a Page position. 

There are only thirty Page positions per session, so not all Senators are able to appoint their selected candidate. This includes Senator Fetterman, who may not have a slot in the Page program every session. 

To apply, please submit the following application, statement of interest, transcript (unofficial), and two letters of recommendation from a teacher, mentor or supervisor via OAM. For more information, please visit the Senate Page Program Website.

If you have questions, please email page@fetterman.senate.gov.